Five user complaints about iPhone 5

An Apple employee holds an iPhone 5 for a customer at a Hong Kong Apple store on September 21, 2012.


  • The iPhone 5 has sold more than 5 million units, but some users have gripes
  • The top complaint has been about a spotty maps app that replaced Google Maps
  • A video shows the aluminum casing scratching easily
  • Light leaks have also been reported

(CNN) -- Apple's iPhone 5 broke records over the weekend, selling more than 5 million units.

Most of those new owners, many of whom lined up at Apple stores and other retailers, are presumably happy with their new gadget, which has been praised for its bigger display screen, lighter and thinner form, and faster processor.

But, as with many new tech products, there have been glitches, too. As the new iPhones get road-tested, buyers have taken to the Web to complain about issues ranging from the fixable to the unfortunately final.

The doozy has been a spotty maps application. For the first time, Apple's latest operating system replaced rival Google's mapping service with its own. As many people got their first look at it with a new phone, they've found huge chunks of the world missing, or locations showing up in the wrong place. (Apple said the app is a work in progress and will be fixed.)

Plenty has been written about that issue. But other gripes have emerged as well. Some sound legitimate. And, given the hyper-intense nature of the tech world's "love-hate" relationship with their gadgets, a couple just sound downright silly.

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Apple sells 5 million iPhones

Apple's map hiccups

After a few days of putting the new smartphone through its paces, here are five gripes people have with the iPhone 5.

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1. Scratches

Apple prides itself on making products that aren't just functional but beautiful as well.

But users are reporting that after having their iPhone 5s for only days, or even hours, the sheen on the sleek, aluminum phone is getting scratched up.

Melissa Jenna Godsey at posted a YouTube video of her 2-year-old daughter hitting and scratching the phone's aluminum rear case with a set of keys, creating visible scratches and dents. Similar scuffing of the iPhone 4S revealed little, if any, damage.

"I know this is kind of an extreme case, but she's not the strongest two-year-old," Godsey said. "And this all just happened, so I can only imagine what this is going to look like after a couple of weeks of solid use."

Answering an e-mail from a user, Phil Schiller, Apple senior vice president of worldwide marketing, downplayed the issue.

"Any aluminum product may scratch or chip with use, exposing its natural silver color," Schiller said in the e-mail, reported and verified by Apple-centric blog 9to5 Mac. "That is normal."

Translated on Twitter by PC Mag writer Sascha Segan: "Apple: iPhones Aren't Chipping, They're Just Shedding Their Skins To Become Beautiful Butterflies."

2. Lightning dock connector

The tech world is nothing if not full of change. But many longtime Apple users are irked at the company's decision to use a smaller connector port, called Lightning, on the iPhone 5 and new iPods. With one fell swoop, that meant both a need for new power cords and that the new products won't connect with older speaker systems, alarm clocks and other accessories.

The fix? A $29 adapter (which costs $39 if you want a new cable with it). And even then, the adapter doesn't support video or the "iPod out" function for transmitting some data from the devices.

"Day 3 of having the new iPhone and I already lost the power cord #thanksapple," wrote one Twitter user.

"It's time to gouge our customers for a ton more money," Disqus commenter dawsg4ever quipped.

A Lightning-to-USB cable costs $19 and, according to Apple's website, currently has a one- to two-week wait time to be shipped.

3. The phone's too light

We told you some of these are kind of weird.

One of Apple's selling points for the new phone is that it's the lightest smartphone ever.

One of the emerging complaints? That it's the lightest smartphone ever.

To some users, a phone without the usual heft feels suspiciously cheap, toylike. Gizmodo rounded up some of the gripes under the headline, "The Weirdest Thing People Hate About the iPhone 5."

Those, culled from Twitter, included these nuggets:

• "Can I be honest and say I wish the iPhone 5 was slightly thicker and heavier. Hate thin phones!"

• "Held the iPhone 5. Way too light for this spazz-attack. I need a heavier phone so I don't completely destroy it."

• "This new iPhone is way too light. I feel like its gonna just fly outta my hand with the slightest breeze #firstworldproblems"

Should you upgrade to the iPhone 5?

4. Screen issues

OK ... there are 5 million new phones in the wild now, so inevitably there are going to be some lemons. It's hard to know how widespread it is, but a handful of problems with the phone's touchscreen are bubbling up, too.

One YouTube video shows what appear to be weird bubbles showing up on one part of the display screen when the user touches another.

Threads on the Macrumors site also were filling up with people who said their screens started flickering just hours after getting their new phone.

5. Leaking light

Phones aren't supposed to leak. But users on multiple forums are reporting that light from the screen appears to be showing through gaps around the iPhone 5's antenna and power button.

Boy Genius Report said it's happening on one of its phones and shows light streaming out of a small crack beneath the power button. The report said the leak is only visible in low light. Users said Apple has been offering replacements.

5 big changes in iOS 6

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iPhone 5: The wait is over

Sep. 20, 2012

The first customers to purchase their new iPhone 5s exit an Apple flagship store on George street in Syndey, Australia


(CNN) -- For the most devoted Apple aficionados, it's been a long week.

But as Thursday night becomes Friday morning around the world, some of those diehards who spent hours waiting in line were being greeted with open doors at Apple stores and other retailers selling the new iPhone 5.

Announced September 12, the iPhone 5 features a bigger screen, lighter and slimmer frame, faster processor and, for the first time, 4G LTE wireless connections.

If a handful of tech writers were unimpressed with the specs, that didn't translate into lack of consumer interest.

Apple took 2 million pre-orders for the phone in the first 24 hours they were available last week, and some analysts think it could sell more than 10 million by Monday.

That first-day total was double the number of iPhone 4S pre-orders the company took last year, and an initial Friday shipping date was quickly pushed back. People who pre-order the phone now, or did so in the past few days, could be waiting more than three weeks for their phones to ship.

For those who opted to get personal, the doors at Apple retail stores open at 8 a.m. local time Friday in the United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and the UK. The phone will roll out to 22 more countries on September 28.

Gallery: The world's hottest smartphones

The most popular single smartphone since the existence of such a device, the iPhone has sold more than 244 million units around the world since then-CEO Steve Jobs unveiled it six years ago.

According to research firm IDC, the iPhone and its iOS operating system make up 16.9% of the worldwide smartphone market, coming in behind the cluster of phones running the Android operating system, which account for 68.1% of the world's smartphones.

The iPhone 5 is 18% thinner and 20% lighter than the current version, the iPhone 4S. It has a 4-inch screen, measured diagonally, compared with a 3.5-inch screen on previous versions of the phone. It is the same width as the iPhone 4S but taller, and the iPhone 5 is made entirely of glass and aluminum.


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20120826  中技會計統計同學會


What a touching moment! Cherish what we have in this moment!  It was amazing to meet our classmates after 33 years.  Enjoy the happy moment and look forward to see you every year at the classmate’s reunion!


33年是個不算短的時間 人生有幾個 33年呢?

這是個特別的日子 畢業第一次正式地有一個屬於我們的同學會

有太多的驚訝 太多的感動 足感謝 張會計師


宴請所有同學和 雲燕熱情地協助幫忙聯絡


同學們  足感心他們的努力促使這次的同學會成真.


眼前的一切彷彿是在夢中 多少年來常夢見同學齊聚ㄧ堂 此刻夢想成真 竟覺彷彿在夢中每個同學彷彿變成是20歲的少年囝 個個活力十足 一顰一笑仍可看出往日的丰采 每人分享近 33年來的近況 短短的 5-10分豈能道盡這漫長的精彩片段 


同學中有些已是銀行界的襄理或經理或公職裡的主管 有些更是超級好命的櫻櫻美代子 因為有很能幹的另一半為家庭打拼



感動的是有些同學雖失去另一半 現已走出傷痛 勇敢堅強地再次銳變自己 當志工或忙於工作有的同學已恢復單身但過著快樂有自信的日子;有的同學剛度過憂鬱期 聽到同學的際遇驚覺得自己已非常地幸福 更要活在當下珍惜目前擁有的 只有自己有能力


讓自己快樂 化負面的情緒為正面的能量 人生會更美好!

當我們髮鬢白齒搖 最好的是有老朋友 老伴 期望同學們顧好自己的身體 多運動和同學聯繫每年的同學會期待與您們相見!  





這是個特別的日子 畢業33年後 Aug. 26(Sun.)第一次正式地有一個屬於我們的同學會


張會計師仍像二十出頭的少年囝 覺得二十四個小時不夠用 提及他下決心全力衝刺準備特考與會計師的考試

他的毅力時再讓人佩服 會計師考試更差一點就是榜首

更利用時間到大葉大學研究所修 造形藝術雕塑  賺錢是人生的目標 學習藝術是一輩子的興趣 我想 張 會真地沒有時間得憂鬱症....



足感謝 雲燕熱情地協助幫忙聯絡同學們 







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Apple CEO  Steve Jobs 對史丹佛畢業生演講全文


Apple CEO Steve Jobs

今天,很榮幸來到各位從世界上最好的學校之一畢業的畢業典禮上。我從來沒從大學畢業過,說實話,這是我離大學畢業最近的一刻。 今天,我只說三個故事,不談大道理,三個故事就好。

我在里德學院(Reed College)待了六個月就辦休學了。 到我退學前,一共休學了十八個月。那麼,我為什麼休學?(聽眾笑)這得從我出生前講起。 我的親生母親當時是個研究生,年輕未婚媽媽,她決定讓別人收養我。 她強烈覺得應該讓有大學畢業的人收養我,所以我出生時,她就準備讓我被一對律師夫婦收養。

但是這對夫妻到了最後一刻反悔了,他們想收養女孩。 所以在等待收養名單上的一對夫妻,我的養父母,在一天半夜裡接到一通電話, 問他們「有一名意外出生的男孩你們要認養他嗎?」而他們的回答是「當然要」。
後來,我的生母發現,我現在的媽媽從來沒有大學畢業 我現在的爸爸則連高中畢業也沒有。她拒絕在認養文件上做最後簽字。直到幾個月後,我的養父母保證將來一定會讓我上大學,她的態度才軟化。

十七年後,我上大學了。但是當時我無知地選了一所學費幾乎跟史丹佛一樣貴的大學(聽眾笑),我那工人階級的父母將所有積蓄都花在我的學費上。 六個月後,我看不出唸這個書的價值何在。那時候,我不知道這輩子要幹什麼,也不知道唸大學能對我有什麼幫助,只知道我為了唸這個書,花光了我父母這輩子的所有積蓄。所以,我決定休學,相信船到橋頭自然直。

我沒有宿舍,所以我睡在友人家裡的地板上,靠著回收可樂空罐的退費五分錢買吃的。每個星期天晚上得走七哩的路,繞過大半個鎮去印度教的 Hare Krishna 神廟吃頓好料,我喜歡 Hare Krishna 神廟的好料。 就這樣追隨我的好奇與直覺,大部分我所投入過的事務,後來看來都成了無比珍貴的經歷

And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on )。

舉個例來說。當時里德學院有著大概是全國最好的書寫教育。校園內的每一張海報上,每個抽屜的標籤上,都是美麗的手寫字。因為我休學了,可以不照正常選課程序來,所以我跑去上書寫課。 我學了 serif sanserif 字體,學到在不同字母組合間變更字間距,學到活字印刷偉大的地方。 書寫的美好、歷史感與藝術感是科學所無法掌握的,我覺得這很迷人。 我沒預期過學這些東西能在我生活中起些什麼實際作用,不過十年後,當我在設計第一台麥金塔時,我想起了當時所學的東西,所以把這些東西都設計進了麥金塔裡,這是第一台能印刷出漂亮東西的電腦。 如果我沒沉溺於那樣一門課裡,麥金塔可能就不會有多重字體跟等比例間距字體了。

又因為 Windows抄襲了麥金塔的使用方式(聽眾鼓掌大笑)。因此,如果當年我沒有休學,沒有去上那門書寫課,大概所有的個人電腦都不會有這些東西,印不出現在我們看到的漂亮的字來了。 當然,當我還在大學裡時,不可能把這些點點滴滴預先串連在一起,但在十年後的今天回顧,一切就顯得非常清楚。

我再說一次,你無法預先把點點滴滴串連起來;只有在未來回顧時, 你才會明白那些點點滴滴是如何串在一起的you can't connect the dots look-ing forward;  you can only connect them looking backwards )。

所以你得相信,眼前你經歷的種種,將來多少會連結在一起。你得信任某個東西,直覺也好, 命運也好,生命也好,或者業力。 這種作法從來沒讓我失望,我的人生因此變得完全不同。( Jobs停下來喝水)


我很幸運-年輕時就發現自己愛做什麼事。我二十歲時,跟 Steve Wozniak在我爸媽的車庫裡開始了蘋果電腦的事業。

嗯,當蘋果電腦成長後,我請了一個我以為在經營公司上很有才幹的傢伙來,他在頭幾年也確實幹得不錯。可是我們對未來的願景不同,最後只好分道揚鑣,董事會站在他那邊,就這樣在我 30歲的時候,公開把我給解僱了。 我失去了整個生活的重心,我的人生就這樣被摧毀。 有幾個月,我不知道要做些什麼。我覺得我令企業界的前輩們失望-我把他們交給我的接力棒弄丟了。

我見了創辦 HP David Packard跟創辦Intel Bob Noyce,跟他們說很抱歉我把事情給搞砸了。我成了公眾眼中失敗的示範,我甚至想要離開矽谷。 但是漸漸的,我發現,我還是喜愛那些我做過的事情,在蘋果電腦中經歷那些事絲毫沒有改變我愛做的事。


接下來五年,我開了一家叫做 NeXT 的公司,又開一家叫做 Pixar 的公司,也跟後來的老婆(Laurene)談起了戀愛。
接著製作了世界上第一部全電腦動畫電影,玩具總動員(Toy Story),現在是世界上最成功的動畫製作公司(聽眾鼓掌大笑)。 然後,蘋果電腦買下了 NeXT,我回到了蘋果,我們在 NeXT發展的技術成了蘋果電腦後來復興的核心部份。我也有了個美妙的家庭。

我很確定,如果當年蘋果電腦沒開除我,就不會發生這些事情。 這帖藥很苦口,可是我想蘋果電腦這個病人需要這帖藥有時候,人生會用磚頭打你的頭。不要喪失信心。 我確信我愛我所做的事情,這就是這些年來支持我繼續走下去的唯一理由(I'm convinced that the only thing  that kept me going was that I loved what I did)。
你得找出你的最愛,工作上是如此,人生伴侶也是如此 你的工作將佔掉你人生的一大部分,唯一真正獲得滿足的方法就是做你相信是偉大的工作,而唯一做偉大工作的方法是愛你所做的事(And the only way to do great work is to love what you do )。

如果你還沒找到這些事,繼續找,別停頓。盡你全心全力,你知道你一定會找到。而且,如同任何偉大的事業,事情只會隨著時間愈來愈好。所以,在你找到之前,繼續找,別停頓。(聽眾鼓掌, Jobs喝水)


當我十七歲時,我讀到一則格言,好像是「把每一天都當成生命中的最後一天,你就會輕鬆自在。 If you live each day as if it was your last,  someday you'll most certainly be right )」(聽眾笑)

這對我影響深遠, 在過去 33 年裡,我每天早上都會照鏡子,自問:「如果今天是此生最後一日,我今天要做些什麼?」
每當我連續太多天都得到一個「沒事做」的答案時, 我就知道我必須有所改變了。 提醒自己快死了,是我在人生中面臨重大決定時,所用過最重要的方法。

因為幾乎每件事-所有外界期望、所有的名聲、所有對困窘或失敗的恐懼-在面對死亡時,都消失了,只有最真實重要的東西才會留下 Remember-ing that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered  to help me make the big choices in life.  Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure -  these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important )。

提醒自己快死了,是我所知避免掉入畏懼失去的陷阱裡最好的方法。人生不帶來、死不帶去,沒理由不能順心而為。 一年前,我被診斷出癌症。我在早上七點半作斷層掃瞄,在胰臟清楚出現一個腫瘤,我連胰臟是什麼都不知道。醫生告訴我,那幾乎可以確定是一種不治之症,預計我大概活不到三到六個月了。 醫生建議我回家,好好跟親人們聚一聚,這是醫生對臨終病人的標準建議。那代表你得試著在幾個月內把你將來十年想跟小孩講的話講完。那代表你得把每件事情搞定,家人才會儘量輕鬆。那代表你得跟人說再見了。

我整天想著那個診斷結果,那天晚上做了一次切片,從喉嚨伸入一個內視鏡,穿過胃進到腸子,將探針伸進胰臟,取了一些腫瘤細胞出來。 我打了鎮靜劑,不醒人事,但是我老婆在場。她後來跟我說,當醫生們用顯微鏡看過那些細胞後,他們都哭了,因為那是非常少見的一種胰臟癌,可以用手術治好。所以我接受了手術,康復了。(聽眾鼓掌)

經歷此事後,我可以比先前死亡只是純粹想像時,要能更肯定地告訴你們下面這些:沒有人想死。即使那些想上天堂的人,也想活著上天堂 (聽眾笑) 但是死亡是我們共同的終點,沒有人逃得過。這是註定的,因為死亡很可能就是生命中最棒的發明,是生命交替的媒介,送走老人們,給新生代開出道路。 現在你們是新生代,但是不久的將來,你們也會逐漸變老,被送出人生的舞台。抱歉講得這麼戲劇化,但是這是真的

你們的時間有限,所以不要浪費時間活在別人的生活裡。不要被教條所侷限-- 盲從教條就是活在別人思考結果裡。

最重要的,擁有追隨自己內心與直覺的勇氣,你的內心與直覺多少已經知道你真正想要成為什麼樣的人have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become),任何其他事物都是次要的。(聽眾鼓掌)

在我年輕時,有本神奇的雜誌叫做 Whole Earth Catalog》, 當年這可是我們的經典讀物。那是位住在離這不遠的 Menlo Park Stewart Brand發行的,他把雜誌辦得很有詩意。那是 1960年代末期,個人電腦跟桌上出版還沒出現,所有內容都是打字機、剪刀跟拍立得相機做出來的。 雜誌內容有點像印在紙上的平面 Google,在Google 出現之前35年就有了:這本雜誌很理想主義,充滿新奇工具與偉的見解。Stewart 跟他的團隊出版了好幾期的《Whole Earth Catalog 然後很自然的,最後出了停刊號。當時是 1970 年代中期,我正是你們現在這個年齡的時候。在停刊號的封底,有張清晨鄉間小路的照片,那種你四處搭便車冒險旅行時會經過的鄉間小路。在照片下印了行小字:

求知若飢,虛心若愚Stay Hungry , Stay Foolish

那是他們親筆寫下的告別訊息,我總是以此自許。 當你們畢業,展開新生活,我也以此祝福你們。

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Samsung profits surge 79% boosted by smartphone sales

Andrew Milroy from industry analysts Frost and Sullivan explains what Samsung is doing right

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Samsung Electronics has said that it expects its profits to surge 79% in the second quarter as sales of its smartphones continue to grow.

It has forecast an operating profit of 6.7tn won ($5.9bn; £3.8bn) for the period, its highest quarterly profit since 2008.

Its fortunes contrast with its Taiwanese rival HTC, which has reported a 58% fall in three-month profits.

Disappointing European sales and problems with US customs were blamed.

Samsung overtook Nokia as the world's biggest maker of mobile phones earlier this year.

Analysts said its profits could rise even further in the coming months.

"Earnings will be stronger in the current quarter, as sales of the high-end Galaxy S III will increase dramatically and drive the telecom division's earnings to above 5tn won," said Nho Geun-Chang, an analyst with HMC Investment Securities.

"We estimate shipments of the Galaxy S III will reach 19 million units in the third quarter."

Growing competition

Samsung launched the Galaxy S III, the latest version of its Galaxy range of smartphones, in May this year, and the gadget has been well received in the market.

Start Quote

What they are worried about are the legal spill over effects”

End Quote Jasper Kim Asia Pacific Global Research Group

Last month, the head of Samsung's mobile phone division Shin Jong-kyun said that the firm expects to sell 10 million units of the model by July.

While it has enjoyed early success, some analysts were of the view that its sales may slow towards the end of the year due to the widely-expected launch of the latest version of the Apple iPhone.

The iPhone is seen by most analysts as the biggest rival to Samsung's smartphones.

"We expect a correction in Samsung's earnings in the fourth quarter, as the launch of the new iPhone will lead to a decline in Samsung's profit in the high-end smartphone business," said Park Jong-Min a fund manager with ING Investment Management.

'Legal spill over'

Increased competition from the iPhone is not the only challenge Samsung has to deal with in the coming months.

It is also involved in a number of legal disputes over patent infringements with Apple in various countries across the world.

Earlier this month, a court banned sales of Samsung's Galaxy Nexus smartphone and also its Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet PC in the US, until it decides on the continuing patent case between the two firms.

Some of Samsung's gadgets have been banned for sale in the US over continuing patent disputes

There are concerns that the ban may hurt Samsung's sales in one of its key markets.

Analysts said the biggest fear for Samsung is that the dispute may become bigger and impact other Samsung products, including the Galaxy S III.

"What they are worried about are the legal spill over effects," Jasper Kim of Asia Pacific Global Research Group told the BBC.

"How Judge Lucy Koh's decision to block some of these Samsung smartphones into the US market, which is Samsung's largest mobile carrier market, will effect Galaxy S III sales. That's what Samsung is really worried about."

Customs problems

HTC reported net profits of 7.4bn Taiwan dollars ($247m; £159m) in the three months from April to June, down from 17.5bn Taiwan dollars in the same period last year.

HTC is relying on its new One smartphones to help it regain market share from Samsung and Apple.

The company blamed the weak economic situation in Europe for its poor sales there.

It also said that its shipments to the US had been held up because they had to be inspected by customs officials as part of a patent dispute with Apple.

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那一年,我們看不起郭台銘 2012-03-01  黃創夏





























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